Holistically cover and manage all activities

Holistically cover and manage all activities

The successful creation of customer value demands a complete and compact process model.Complete, to holistically cover and manage all activities on strategical, tactical and operational level.Compact, because complexity cannot be managed by the leaders and applied by...
Apply a holistic and compact approach

Apply a holistic and compact approach

If you really want to create customer value, you have to apply a holistic and compact approach. If it’s not holistic, your design will fail. If it’s not compact, your design can’t be applied. Involve all parties So when you design your IT-organization you have to...
Processes describe how services are created

Processes describe how services are created

Processes don’t stop at borders, they stop when the result is achieved. Processes describe how services are created and should therefore cover the entire IT service delivery chain. The IT-department, the suppliers, and also the customer. End to end IT services use...
IT services are created by the work of IT professionals

IT services are created by the work of IT professionals

Something strange is going on. It’s not so hard to understand that IT services are created by the work of IT professionals.Therefore its strange that most times IT management (push) or leadership (pull) is not focusing on facilitating the professionals so they can do...
Managing processes does fail in most organizations

Managing processes does fail in most organizations

In many organizations, process management often falls short. The main reason? Processes are not taken seriously. For sure, everybody is saying the right thing, they really do think processes are important, but just not that important. 7 processes will do the job...