If you really want to create customer value, you have to apply a holistic and compact approach. If it’s not holistic, your design will fail. If it’s not compact, your design can’t be applied.

Involve all parties

So when you design your IT-organization you have to involve all parties, domains, layers and resources in the service delivery chain.Services are co-created, not only by the suppliers, but also the customers and users are playing an active role in creating the services.You also have to organize People and Product to make your Processes run.And finally, without an aligning strategy and a facilitating tactical support your operation will fail.That’s the scope, you need to cover all parties, layers and resources.

Make it applicable

To make it work applicability is key. So reduction of complexity is essential. Therefore distinguish processes and functions.Use a limited amount of 7 basic processes like Strategy, Change, Incident, Service Level Management, Operations, Knowledge and Improvement.  And relate these processes in one process model.Use these processes to support functions like availability, capacity, design, security eg.You may design more processes, but I never met organizations capable of applying them all, so what’s the use? “Complexity kills the cat”Customer value is the appreciation of excellent services, co-created and using a compact. holistic design.This ISM-model is free to use, so apply….or adapt





Wim Hoving

(Result-oriented connector
of People and Process,
architect of the ISM Method)