
ITSM Administrators Survey

Know what’s happening on the shop floor.

To effectively organize IT service and the IT department, it’s essential to understand how professionals and leaders themselves experience and value the daily operations.

There’s only one way to find out, and that’s by asking questions. And that’s exactly what the ITSM administrators survey offers: insight into the opinions, ideas, and wishes of leaders and professionals by asking structured questions.

It is essential to know how the department values the current way of working and to hear the ideas to further improve it. By periodically repeating the survey, a trend-based insight into the development of the department emerges.



In the online ISM administrators’ survey, administrators are asked about their experience with the IT services and the IT department. Administrators can also indicate which points need improvement and provide suggestions and comments. The survey is anonymous, but administrators can also indicate that they are open to being approached for further clarification.


The ITSM administrator survey is conducted online. We send out the invitations to the participants and process the results. Together, we discuss the results to arrive at targeted improvements in your working methods. Action points are determined and communicated to the department. Through periodic repetition, you gain a trend-based insight into the development of the department.


The survey can be organized at any time that fits best.


Filling out the ITSM administrator survey takes approximately 10 minutes. Your effort consists of providing the email addresses of the invitees and discussing the results. Based on this, you can implement targeted improvement actions to your working method.


If you have questions about the ITSM Administrator Survey, please feel free to contact us:



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3833 LD Leusden

Athenestraat 12
9403 DX Assen

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