
ISM implementation standard

During an ISM implementation, an organization is guided towards the ISM working method. Every organization makes its own choices for a number of standard topics, and thus fully aligns the ISM application with its own organization. ISM and FSM can be implemented simultaneously or separately. Simultaneous implementation offers a significant efficiency advantage.

ISM is implemented in a standardized manner. An ISM implementation consists of an ISM installation phase and an ISM implementation phase. The following tools are provided:

  • a fully documented process model, including a list of definitions
  • templates for drafting documentation
  • functional setup of supporting tools.

Phase I, the installation phase, includes guidance during decision-making, the implementation of decisions, drafting of procedures, drafting of work instructions, and conducting workshops. After Phase I, an organization is ready to start working in accordance with the ISM method.

Phase II, the implementation phase, includes guiding (process) managers and employees in applying the new working method, assisting the organization in gradually intensifying the use of the provided tools, and in achieving the desired cultural shift.

Want to know more about what an ISM implementation entails?

Then get in touch:

T. 088 – 2034000
E. info@servitect.com

ISM Portal

Fokkerstraat 16
3833 LD Leusden

Athenestraat 12
9403 DX Assen

+3188 - 2034000